Recently, mental health has been a hot topic in the news and social media channels. The more we understand mental health and support those who struggle with mental health issues, the better off we’ll be as a society. As a digital marketing agency, you need to understand some basics about mental health and help promote good mental health in your clients and their customers. Check out this blog post for tips on promoting good mental health in your community!
- What is mental health, and why should it be a concern for digital marketing agencies.
Mental health is a concern for any human being, but it has become an even more significant issue in the digital age. Social media and the internet have given people access to more information than ever before, which can be positive (newfound love) or harmful, like cyberbullying. We all deserve quality time with our friends and family without feeling guilty about spending too much of those precious free moments on screens instead of putting them into face-to-face interactions; this could potentially lead someone down an unhealthy path such as developing Clinical Depression if left untreated!
- The different types of mental health disorders and how they can impact work
- Anxiety
When we are anxious, our body produces cortisol, which impacts how one thinks and feels. When this happens at work or school, it can negatively impact what you want to accomplish for your day because of reduced cognitive function like memory. It is essential to know when and why someone might feel overwhelmed with worry so they don’t continue doing things in excess, such as overspending money, even though sources may already exist providing sufficient income within their budgeting process.
- Depression
No one would choose to be depressed, but it’s a common side effect of many medications. One in five people take prescription drugs and get depression; these individuals may feel like they cannot work or even go out into public without feeling anxious about themselves- doing so only makes matters worse!
In some cases, doctors prescribe two different types of medication that conflict with each other – this can lead to employees having more than just trouble at home/social life while also losing interest financially due to lack of revenue streams coming through because there are fewer customers spending money on anything besides food items which happen very infrequently during periods where someone has been sick–ultimately costing them jobs too.
- Mania
Work loses out when people are not at work.
Mania can impact your ability to do the things that need doing, like making money for your company or taking care of family obligations, because it distracts with thoughts about what’s going on in our head – whether we’re feeling great one minute then awful moments later after losing self-control!
- Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that influences the way people think and act. The most obvious sign of this condition would be hallucinations, which typically show up as voices in their head or believing things that aren’t true.”
“It’s important for those who suffer from Schizoprendya to take medication so they don’t have any harmful effects on themselves at work since it can lead them not doing what needs to be done efficiently enough while also being distracted by strange thoughts throughout each day.”
- eating disorders
Eating disorders can make it difficult to do simple tasks, like eating lunch at work.
A person with an ED might also have trouble completing their daily job responsibilities partly because they’re constantly distracted by hunger pangs and other cravings for unhealthy food choices that interfere with concentration levels, causing them inefficient workers bee performance which impacts overall productivity as well!
- Addiction
On the job market, the impact of addiction is often underestimated. One in four people addicted to drugs or alcohol will have trouble holding down a full-time position. In contrast, over half have trouble maintaining their current employment due to Mar loops familiar with co-workers and family members (Marmoleos). These may not seem important; however, if we consider all aspects, including productivity loss caused by being present less than 100% during work hours because someone’s off getting high–the effect could be substantial!!!!
- Connect when someone is struggling with their mental health and what to do about it.
The following resources may help identify when someone is struggling with their mental health and what to do about it:
Mental Health America’s website includes a list of signs that you or someone close might be experiencing an issue, including not sleeping well; feeling anxious all day long (even if they’re going through something like grad school); having trouble concentrating on any given task for more than 15 minutes at a time. We also provide tips for how families can help loved ones live healthier lives by paying attention. These individuals don’t slip into dangerous behaviours such as drinking alcohol excessively, leading them down an unhealthy path towards self-destruction.
- Tips for creating a mentally healthy workplace culture.
- Promote open communication by encouraging employees to talk openly about their feelings and problems.
- Encourage employees to take breaks and exercise during the workday.
- Provide healthy food options and encourage employees to eat lunch away from their desks.
- Create a positive work environment by praising employees for a well-done job.
- Let employees leave work on time if they have completed their tasks for the day.
- Encourage employees to socialise with one another outside of work hours.
Mental health is a topic that we’ve heard more and more about in the news. It’s essential to understand how mental health can affect digital marketing campaigns because if you’re not taking care of your staff, they won’t take care of your clients. We’ll cover what it means for an organisation to have a positive culture versus a toxic one and why hiring new employees or managing existing one’s matters. Plus, we’ll look at ways organisations implement these practices into their work environments, so everyone has equal access to well-being resources. If you want help establishing better employee wellness programs within your company, contact us today – we would love to hear from you!